This is taken from the Rochester NY Etsy Street Team (RNEST) blog. They run cool articles on each day of the week, with Mondays being studio visits. It was my turn to showcase my studio last week. Take a gander...
Make-it Mondays: Studio Visit #8 Beadwork By Amanda
This week's studio visit is with a veteran seller and long time RNESTer, Amanda Preske, of Beadwork By Amanda. Amanda opened her Etsy shop in 2006 and and is an art market pro. Since then she has gone on to have her work published in a book and co-founded Mayday Underground Crafts and Art here in Rochester, NY. All while working towards a Phd!!! So how does she do it?

Buenahelena: Where do you work/where is your studio?
B: What is your medium or product?
B: Describe a typical day at the studio.

Buenahelena: Where do you work/where is your studio?
Beadwork By Amanda: My primary work space is the lime craft room. I also have amassed equipment that is considerably messy that is used in the basement. It is so awesome to have my own space. Previously, I lived in a one bedroom apartment so the living room and dining room became my studio. It was a terrible arrangement and bits of circuit board and beads wound up everywhere.
B: What is your medium or product?
BBA: On Etsy, my product is jewelry and accessories made with recycled circuit boards and resin. I make bracelets, necklaces, rings, cuff links and tie tacks, key chains, and dabble in other product types. I also have a second shop that focuses on resin kits and tutorials. Off Etsy, I make beaded and beadwoven jewelry, felt key chains, and magnets that I sell at shows and festivals. My studio space is also used for the random scrapbook or art projects.
BBA: The biggest challenge has been organizing the space. It’s the largest bedroom in my house, but I still struggle to find space for everything. I have divided my room into zones that are all used for specific tasks. The green counter is where I make non-resin jewelry, and the pine desk is for resin work. The small desk and black counter are for order processing and packaging, administrative stuff, and a space for anything else that doesn’t have a spot. When we were transitioning from living in the apartment to moving in, we remodeled the kitchen, so I commandeered the cabinets which offer a lot of storage for my zillions of beads and tools. The basement is where I keep the messy circuit board cutting supplies.
B: Describe a typical day at the studio.
BBA: Since I am a PhD student, there is, unfortunately, no typical day. Sometimes I’ll be in there in the early morning packing an order, or up really late doing resin. I usually spend all day Sunday cutting circuit board, photographing stuff made on Saturday, and making new beaded jewelry. I usually reserve updating my shop to weekdays when I have downtime (like when I’m waiting for a reaction to run).

B: What do you love the most about being a crafter/artist/etsy seller?

B: What do you love the most about being a crafter/artist/etsy seller?
BBA: I love the fact that I have complete control over everything I do. My success is directly proportional to the amount of effort I put in. Creating comes naturally so I don’t feel like I’m being forced to do or understand something. Etsy is wonderful because I can reach customers all over the world and the cost is very low. Etsy doesn’t require an 8 hour day at a $300 booth that might result in a terrible sunburn! I also love that my space is totally mine. I’ve avoided making the whole house lime green, so my craft room is my place to go wild and put up whatever I want.
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