My peppers are coming along nicely too. They are about the size of my fist right now. I'm interested to see what color they turn since I bought a seed pack that had green, red, orange, purple, and white peppers in the mix.

Out of the ten or so cosmos seeds I planted, two of them actually sprouted. One finally bloomed and it's a cheery orange color!

Last, but not least, my petunias are going nuts as well and there are purple and white blooms everywhere! I thought my hibiscus would have bloomed by now, but there is a bud ready to pop in about a week.

I thought I had planted peppers in my garden this year, but they are no where to be found. Maybe I forgot? Your plants look great!
Oh, your garden looks so great! I can smell those bell peppers! So crisp!
Your garden looks wonderful!
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