Oh well, I'm not exactly complaining. I just happened to look at how much I spent on supplies last year. Let's just say I could have purchased about 300 DVDs - you know, boyfriend monetary units! Kidding aside, I came across a blog earlier today (unfortunately I can't remember where it was...) where the author resolved to not purchase any new supplies for all of 2010, with the exception of necessities like replacing broken tools and things of that nature. The point was not only to clean out a messy space, but to face the challenge of creating new things with supplies on hand.
I don't want to make any crazy promises like that, but I'm already off to a good start! I'm hoping to cut down on spending by 40%. It's going to be really hard since I'm planning on buying a kiln and moving to a new place with my own studio, but at least I have a figure to shoot for!
What are your crafty goals for the year? I think it would be nice to take a chunk out of my bead stash that hasn't been touched in years :)
Here are some of those rivoli pendants I was talking about. They're all available in my Etsy shop.

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